False: Anxiety Is Hard To Overcome 


If you’ve been struggling with anxiety for years, it’s completely understandable why you would come to the conclusion that anxiety is very difficult to overcome.

I felt the same way myself, because I have had anxiety since I was a child and if you understand my early childhood with my alcoholic mother… Before my dad and stepmom got custody of me…, you would understand why I struggled so much with anxiety as a child. 

I know that anxiety makes you feel like you’re so different from other people who don’t struggle. You often feel inferior… Like somethings really wrong with you, and your brain is defective. 

And let’s be honest… anxiety is really depressing because you know that you’re not living up to your full potential because you’re spending so much time and energy trying to manage your anxiety. 

And then, if you get help for that anxiety, you off and spend years in therapy trying to recover and not making much progress. It is super helpful when you go see a therapist and you begin to realize that your anxiety is not your fault, and it came from things that you have gone through in the past. 

But many people continue to think that the answer to overcoming the anxiety is to think about, mentally relive, and habitually process events from the past. Maybe that work for some people but, it was a disaster for me. 

Mentally, rehearsing traumatic and negative events really has very little, if any, impact on resolving anxiety. And unfortunately, talking about the very things that created the anxiety to begin with, will often just hardwire the anxiety deeper into the brain and make it more of a problem.

So this is why the more I went to therapy the worse my anxiety, became. Of course this made me feel more broken and defective than I felt to begin with.

So, of course, I began to believe that my anxiety was a particularly difficult case and solving the problem with my anxiety was going to be incredibly complex. 

It’s understandable why I believed that. It’s understandable why you may believe that. But the simple fact is that it’s not true. 

Your anxiety is driven by your thinking, and your thinking is being created by your core beliefs. 

And I know you’re probably try to change your thinking like I have and it was very difficult. That’s because trying to change your thinking on a conscious level is challenging. But trying to change your anxiety on a subconscious level… That is a total game changer! 

I know there’s more than one way to impact the subconscious mind, but I am convinced that using Hypnosis is the most effective way to access the subconscious mind to create a shift in the thinking patterns and beliefs that are driving anxiety. 

So changing anxiety is not difficult. The reason you’re probably still struggling is the same reason I struggled for many years. I believed that anxiety was difficult to eradicate from my life because that was the experience I was having at the time.

But I really honestly didn’t know about the subconscious mind. I learned about the subconscious mind at a weekend retreat that I attended in Cleveland Ohio. That weekend changed my entire life. For the first time in my life, I understood where my anxiety was coming from… The subconscious mind.

Later, I learned about how to impact my subconscious through the power of hypnosis, and I even learned how to work on myself with self hypnosis. 

So I literally spent 20 years trying to overcome my anxiety and making very little progress and in just a few short months… I had found freedom. 

My heart breaks for the people who are still suffering. Anxiety is just an absolutely miserable experience and if I had my way, everybody who struggles with anxiety would find freedom. 

I hope you will consider sharing this with a friend or family member who is struggling with anxiety. This just might be the message they need to hear. 

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