Anxious Thoughts vs Confident Thoughts

When you are confident about who you are and your ability to adequately handle whatever life brings, you feel calm, relaxed, and happy.

On the contrary, when you are anxious and worried, you lack confidence in who you are and your ability to face current and future trials.

This is why anxiety and overwhelm will prevent you from having the confidence you need to move forward and live a truly fulfilling life. A lack of confidence will create anxiety every time you face a new and unfamiliar challenge. And I promise you, you will face many.

We are living in scary times right now. Do you believe you have what it takes to face whatever comes? Or do you tell yourself…

– If THIS happens… I won’t be able to handle it.

– If THAT happens… I won’t be able to stand it.

– If THIS happens… I will just die.

If you tell yourself these 3 things when you look toward the future, you will be anxious. Confidence is believing that you have a wellspring of inner strength and resiliency within you. It is believing you can rise to the challenges life brings.

Your mindset determines your anxiety and confidence levels in the face of an uncertain future and in the face of crisis. This is why I teach my clients that it is more important to change their mindset that their circumstances. And when you work on your mindset, you will have the courage and insight to change your circumstance.

Clarity comes from a place of peace!

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